Health insurance question plz help?

Health insurance question plz help?

"I have a concern regarding car insurance. I'm 29 years of age. I've been in 3 car accidents but was not to blame for almost any of them (2 of the changing times my car sat ! lol) and that I've never gotten a solution for almost any of those incidents. I used to have insurance through State ParkCar insurance to get a 16 year old!?
"Hey im 16 the finish of the month and i am obtaining a derbi gpr 50. my concern is"I am self-employed and shopping for a reasonable health/dental  insurance WHAT WOULD HAPPEN BASICALLY GENERATE WITHOUT MOTOR INSURANCE AS WELL AS NO TOTAL UK LICENCE?

Recommendations for auto insurance?
Would it not be cheap for me personally to cover myself on my mummy's  insurance  (her being the primary driver) over a renault megane 1.5 or even to acquire my own personal car and cover it (Vauxhall corsa 1.2)? Thanks
"My test that is driving and I have only handed"Im 18 and learning how to driveIs there a fine (apart from the $25 modification cost) to get a solution for driving without insurance in California?
"For not preventing properly in a stop sign"I'd no thought car insurance was so expensive. Quotes up to now for basic insurance: Progressive: $300 for 6 months Geicko: $455 for six months. Where could I locate a better package? Our info: MaleDriving insurance lol
Are home insurance costs higher priced on a townhouse than a single family house?
"What organization insured much was paid and the Titanic Where you can Find Life-Insurance and Affordable Health?
How will a speeding ticket proceeding 9 over influence me personally and insurance smart?
Could I get life insurance for my brother-in-law? Because he always say he going to destroy himself.?

"Do I want insurance when using my drivers test"i was crashed into recently by some one who went a red-light"I reside in California and I am going to Florida. Im 23 and that I dont possess a vehicle currently but I'll acquire one once I move to Texas